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U. S. Navy Commemoration of Midway Day

NAUTICOS Invited to Speak at the Naval War College

“Beginning June 4th 2000, the 58th anniversary of the Battle of Midway, we will inaugurate activities commemorating one of the most decisive sea battles in world history. Midway was won, not by superior numbers or daunting technology, but by the courage and tenacity of sailors who fought a vicious air and sea battle against overwhelming odds. Their victory helped us win the world we have today, and it is appropriate that we remember it and those who participated in it.”

Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Johnson’s stirring words were the inspiration for the Navy’s third Midway Day commemoration at the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island. The June celebration was the largest ever, with 850 people attending an evening that featured an educational program, a historical remembrance and a dinner/dance. Among those attending were a number of decorated WWII veterans, four of which were acknowledged as veterans of the Battle of Midway.

Nauticos was pleased and honored to be a part of the event, as David Jourdan was the keynote speaker. He described the search and discovery of the wreckage conducted by Nauticos and the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) in 1999, the subject of a Discovery Channel Special aired last December. Following Dave’s talk was a special presentation to faculty member, Professor Michael Handel, a noted historian, teacher and author. A flag that had been flown from the USS Missouri, Midway Island, and U.S. Naval War College was presented as a tribute to his long career.